Occupational Therapy
The Occupational Therapist help people participate in the things they want and need to do through the therapeutic use of everyday activities (occupations). The therapist helps people function in all of their environments (e.g., home, work, community) and addresses the physical, psychological, and cognitive aspects of their well-being through engagement in occupation. The goal is to help people recovering from injury, disease debilitation, or prolonged hospitalization regain skills needed to function independently and safely in their environment.
- Provide client-focused intervention to adapt the environment in order to increase independence, promote health, and prevent further decline or injury.
- Management of activities of daily living (ADLs) such as bathing and dressing through adaptations to the activity and environment, and/or the use of assistive technology.
- Environmental modifications or client training to promote safety in the home.
- Sleep and fatigue management such as education in and demonstration of energy conservation and relaxation management techniques to support health and the ability to participate in meaningful activities.
- Cognitive strategies to address memory, function deficits, and tasks that focus on restoring engagement in daily activity.
Please call us at 708-529-2000, email us at wellness@clienthhc.com, or use our online form to send us a message if you would like more information about how to avail of our occupational therapist services.